Interview with a Trans Ally
Elle is a partner in Reed Smith’s media and entertainment team specialising in data and digital matters.
How do you see the state of the T in LGBT+ now compared to recent years? How do you think the situation of our Trans colleagues has improved?
At least most people probably know what the T stands for now which is some progress! In seriousness though, we are beginning to see boards comfortable in discussing what their organisations can do and much more of an openness to listening, understanding and taking action. There is still much to be done though.
Who is your trans role model?
I read the awesome book ‘The Trauma Cleaner’ on holiday recently, so Sandra Pankhurst in that is my new trans role model. You should read if it you haven’t already!
What do you recommend our community should do to better include a broader spectrum of diversity?
Allowing everyone to be human beings and not putting on acts and roles under a pretense of outdated professional expectation and ‘norms’.
Do you think organising Trans Pride event is important? Why?
I’m lucky to live in Brighton where we have had Trans Pride for years. It is such a great event. It is important to have a safe, positive and official public event for the trans community – the chance for celebration and togetherness as well as education.
What is your view on the use of the right pronouns? How would you advise people to make sure they are using the correct one when referring to their trans colleagues?
To me this is as important as getting someone’s name right. If you are not sure how to pronounce a name you would ask, so people should not be scared to do so if unsure with pronouns.