myGwork is getting a refresh!

In the coming weeks, myGwork will go through an update. Our services will remain the same.

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Panel - Celebrating Disability Pride Month: Inclusivity in Action


A panel dedicated to highlighting the contributions of disabled people in the workplace and discussing strategies for inspiring an inclusive culture. 

About myGwork:

myGwork is the global LGBTQ+ business community. We offer a safe space for people to connect with inclusive professionals, find jobs, attend events, and catch up on the latest LGBTQ+ news.


  • Pepi Sappal
    Pepi Sappal
    Head of PR & Communications
    Hi, I cover content, PR and communications at myGwork. Our goal at myGwork is to empower the LGBTQ+ community by offering our individual users a safe space where they can network, connect with inclusive employers, find jobs, professional events, and news. I'm passionate about diversity, inclusion and equality matters, which is why I'm an LGBTQ+ ally and why I also run the equality-focused platform If you have an interesting story you think will resonate with myGwork members and the wider LGBTQ+ community, please feel free to reach out and connect.
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