Disability Inclusion Summit 2021 Panel Discussion - The Importance Of Having Evolving Conversations
Diversity is a way of thinking and Inclusion a matter of choice.
These past two months, we have had four insightful fireside chats with some of our brilliant clients and contacts, focusing on how diversity is a way of thinking and inclusion a matter of choice. If you were unable to attend the fireside chats live, please see below the on-demand recordings available. Do pass these onto your colleagues and networks as well.
At Reed Smith, we believe in the importance of having an evolving conversation in order for true progress to be realised. To mark and celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and to round out our Disability Inclusion Summit 2021, please join our panel discussion on December 2, 2021
Starting us off with a keynote welcome from BjarneTellman, Senior VP & GC of GSK Consumer Healthcare, and Prashant Dubey, VP Contracts Solutions & Disability Inclusion of Elevate, who recently authored an open letter which calls on all General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officers to make a commitment to take action toward improving the inclusion of people with disabilities in their organizations in 2021.
We’re joined by a wonderful panel who will explore:
- Proactive action in supporting people with disabilities on their ‘ability journey’
- Designing policy to better suit their abilities
- Empowering people with disabilities to contribute in decision-making in relation to their own empowerment
- Sharing best practices to help change perceptions and perspectives
- Government, corporations, and organizations responsibility to ensure people with disabilities access to opportunities and education
We will also hear from our charity partner, Theirworld, on how businesses can support young people with disabilities in education.
We encourage you all to stay on and join our breakout rooms, to discuss further with peers – these rooms will be facilitated by key leaders across the DE&I sphere and we encourage you all to participate in this important conversation.